Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre- Characters reviews

I suddenly got interest to write something about this thriller.

I had this friend, and let's call her Hadie. know her perhaps? if you do, help me on how to contact her, I really miss her a lot. Hadie loves to watch movies, and I remembered this one movie she mentioned to me when we were in form 2- the texas chainsaw massacre. it has been four years and I've just watched it just now. Basically the movie is not good because it is a typical american thriller movie of which unavoidable bad scenes pop out. The one that I watched is the latest one, the 3D one.

I want to emphasize on the value that I got throughout the movie.

First, it has to do something with what I am doing now- psychology. Leatherface experienced mental disorder, plus intellectual disability. He lives with a family of fellow cannibals, who are often abusive and violent towards him. Despite their abuse of him, Leatherface does what ever his family orders him to do.' (Wikipedia, April 6 2014-last updated). So, some psychologists whose opinions were prone to experience from the surrounding in affecting human's growth might be supported by this movie. The disease that the Leatherface suffered from can strongly support the cause of heredity of the family ancestors. 

There is an additional of characterics of Leatherface in the remake and prequel of the movies, 'Leatherface in this continuity suffers from a facial disfigurement and a skin disease that caused severe deformities and tumors to his face. Due to this disfigurement, his muteness and mental retardation (carried over from the first series), other children bullied the boy. He wore a small leather mask to cover up his deformity, and worked at the same meat factory where he was born.' (Wikipedia, April 4 2014-last updated). Both nature and nurture made Leatherface who he was when he grown-up. Well, what I can conclude here is that Leatherface maybe just coincidently unlucky guy to live on Earth.

Heather, who found at the end that she is Leatherface's cousin, and the last member of Sawyer to survive besides Leatherface himself, showed a vivid hatred towards the murderers of her family, thus helping out Leatherface by passing him his chainsaw to kill the mayor. Plus, due to Leatherface's disorder, and ailment, he yearned for somebody to care for him after Verna died. Heather respected to Verna's wish and what had been inherited to her, and accepted Leatherface as what he was. She carried the responsibility to take care of Leatherface. These tell us that how much important is love, respect, and responsible. 

However, regardless how positive we would try to be, all the characters deserved what they experienced because 'each' of them did their own mistakes. Leatherface's family slaughter people, and it was illegal, so it was their faults.The villagers including the mayor murdered the family heartlessly, and they still had the hatred and tried to kill Heather when they found out that she was the family member of Sawyer. 

I wish to analysis more. together to the peak!

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